Introducing Sparkchain - our dedicated team for cryptocurrency and blockchain markets


Today we are announcing Sparkchain, a unique team of highly trained and impassioned specialists focused on the emerging technologies in the cryptocurrency and blockchain markets. We believe that these new technologies will form the foundation of the next significant chapter in the evolution of the internet.

Yes, I said it. These technologies will be the platform on which the next era of the internet will be built.  This new blockchain era will usher in an age of transparency, efficiency, and trust across international borders, markets, and cultures. And similar to how the current era of the internet has transformed how information flows freely, the blockchain era will transform how assets of value will flow freely – digital assets that is. Those who are watching these technologies closely are witnessing the first evidence of this transformation in the form of Bitcoin as it emerges as the world’s first globally accepted digital currency – a digital asset of increasing value.

For most people today, the blockchain era has not yet appeared on their personal radar screen, or if it has, they find it too complicated and complex to understand. After all, terms like hard forks, shards, segregated witness, nonces, hashes, ICO’s, DLT, DAOs and crypto exchanges are not the typical dinner discussion topics with friends and family. That’s where our Sparkchain team comes in; We have assembled the industry’s top communications and marketing experts and we are studying, understanding, and already working closely with the leaders in the new emerging blockchain era. Our goal is to partner with these leaders, crafting narratives that are relevant, understandable, and resonate with audiences near and far. Indeed, we have much work to do.

So far, I can say this is a wild ride, as the digital gold rush is only just beginning. The ecosystem is rapidly forming – brilliant software developers, cryptography experts, disruptive ideas, financial investors, business partnerships, early adopters, and now with Sparkchain – true marketing and communications experts. Soon, we anticipate more changes as expanded governmental guidelines and regulations will alter the game.If you’re one of the majority who are not well versed and have minimal understanding of blockchain and crypto technologies, don’t worry – it’s still quite early. If you’d like to learn more we invite you to join us on our journey to discover how the next era of the internet will unfold and how it will have a profound effect on both our future and our children’s future.

Stay tuned for my next blog which will discuss in more detail what blockchain is and why you should care. But I’ll warn you first – it’s as fascinating and transformative as it is complicated and, like us, you might just get sucked in and develop an unquenchable thirst to learn more.Finally, I’ll end this initial post with a quote from another Alan, the much more famous ex-Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, whose quote seems appropriate for my current state of knowledge and the rapidly changing state of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies:

“I guess I should warn you, if I turn out to be particularly clear, you've probably misunderstood what I've said.”

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About the Author

Alan Soucy

Alan Soucy is CEO of Spark and an avid believer that blockchain technologies will enable a new internet era: one of transparency, efficiency and trust.  His specialties include strategic communications, blockchain and cryptocurrencies, alternative energy, mobile computing, consumer electronics, and semiconductors.


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Our office is littered with the newest tech gadgets, and we’re adept at looking at ways that consumers engage with brands to drive the adoption of things they’ve never seen or experienced before.

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We’re already sitting wherever you’re placed in the enterprise technology landscape: ERP, SaaS, security, big data, AI, etc. Between corporate communications, public relations, and integrated marketing, we can help your business thrive in an increasingly complex world.

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FinTech & Financial

The union of capital and code has driven an incredible amount of disruption over the last few decades. We absorb, fine tune and differentiate the message through events, content programs and targeted media relations, elevating the intellectual capital of both well-known and yet to be discovered minds who fund the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

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Emerging Tech

Spark has worked with the startups, executives, and enterprises that brought about the new technologies and services that changed way we all live over the past 20 years. While the last two decades have certainly been exciting, it’s never been more important to find the right audience and narrative to illustrate how your story will transform the world and improve the human experience.

SparkPR - Blockchain


Over 20 years of bringing innovative technologies to market, we successfully navigated the first dot com boom, web 2.0, and the mobile revolution. Now, we’re helping to build the new Internet of Value: blockchain.

SparkPR - Consumer


Our office is littered with the newest tech gadgets, and we’re adept at looking at ways that consumers engage with brands to drive the adoption of things they’ve never seen or experienced before.

SparkPR - Enterprise


We’re already sitting wherever you’re placed in the enterprise technology landscape: ERP, SaaS, security, big data, AI, etc. Between corporate communications, public relations, and integrated marketing, we can help your business thrive in an increasingly complex world.

SparkPR - Financial

FinTech & Financial

The union of capital and code has driven an incredible amount of disruption over the last few decades. We absorb, fine tune and differentiate the message through events, content programs and targeted media relations, elevating the intellectual capital of both well-known and yet to be discovered minds who fund the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

SparkPR - Emerging Tech

Emerging Tech

Spark has worked with the startups, executives, and enterprises that brought about the new technologies and services that changed way we all live over the past 20 years. While the last two decades have certainly been exciting, it’s never been more important to find the right audience and narrative to illustrate how your story will transform the world and improve the human experience.